
MLC Framework for Teacher Leadership

Teachers and administrators create a continuous improvement culture and share leadership to build a coherent math program that promotes student-led learning and results in student achievement. The math program is grounded in evidence-based instructional practices. Teachers continually utilize coaching and student formative and summative data to improve practice and attain the MLC vision where all students have the mathematical reasoning and procedural skills to design creative solutions to complex problems.

Distinguishing Characteristics of MLC:

Outcome of MLC Model

  • Develops a shared vision and direction in which teacher leaders and administrators share decision-making responsibilities, utilize formative and summative student data to set ambitious teaching and learning goals, collaborate to improve instruction, and collectively take responsibility for student learning
  • Creates a system that builds a problem-solving capacity for all educators to continually refine their instructional & leadership practices by analyzing formative student assessment data and work samples in weekly one-on-one partnership coaching interactions, small team coaching sessions, and leadership collaborations, while collectively holding educators accountable for providing a high quality education for all students
  • Creates a culture for student-led learning in which students engage in communicating their mathematical thinking and problem solving through rigorous mathematics and become self-regulated learners.

© Math Leadership Corps